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Ananda Marga Denmark

Spiritual Adventure Camp

Dato og tid

Fredag d. 17. maj 2024 kl. 16:00 til søndag d. 19. maj 2024 kl. 18:00


Fredag d. 17. maj 2024 kl. 09:00


Søderåsens BK, LILLA KLOSTER 409, 264 51 Ljungbyhed, Sweden Søderåsens BK
264 51 Ljungbyhed

Spiritual Adventure Camp


Discovering Spirituality in Nature: A Hiking and Canoeing Adventure in Skåne!
We’ll be hiking in Söderåsen National Park and canoeing on the Rönne River in the forest of Skåne, Southern Sweden. The walking tracks are like a fairy tale, and the river wanders through fields and forests. We’ll encounter animals and birds along the way, and there are some gentle rapids to add excitement and challenge. There’s also a chance of getting wet, but it’s not too deep, and it’s part of the fun.


Discount Program Member:

This Discount Program is for those who attend our events regularly.

With our Retreat Membership Discount Program, you will receive a 25% discount on all our retreats throughout the year.

Yearly fee: 1000 DKK

To apply for this Membership please send an email to gaoriiconnections@gmail.com


Ananda Marga DK Member:

This Membership is for those who attend out events regularly and have been initated in Ananda Marga spiritual practices. 

With our Retreat Membership Discount Program, you will receive a 25% discount on all our retreats throughout the year.

Yearly fee: 600 DKK (as minimum fee)

To apply for this Membership please send an email to gaoriiconnections@gmail.com

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Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Ananda Marga Denmark
Tlf: +45 29423037

Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Ananda Marga Denmark
Tlf: +45 29423037