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Ananda Marga Denmark

Mind, Body and Spirit Detox Retreat

Dato og tid

Onsdag d. 7. juni 2023 kl. 15:00 til søndag d. 11. juni 2023 kl. 15:00


Tirsdag d. 6. juni 2023 kl. 17:00


Ananda Gaorii Ashram, Farm and Learning Center, Holbækvej 56, 4560 Vig Ananda Gaorii Ashram, Farm and Learning Center
Holbækvej 56
4560 Vig

Mind, Body and Spirit Detox Retreat

Integrating meditation, yoga and juice fasting.

Mind, Body and Spirit Detox Retreat: Integrating meditation, yoga and juice fasting.

We believe that detoxifying the body is essential to achieving a truly balanced and harmonious state of being. Our retreat offers a variety of practices that help to purify your body and promote overall wellness, including daily yoga and meditation sessions and a specially designed juice cleanse.

Our organic juice cleanse is created to provide your body with essential nutrients while giving your digestive system a break from solid foods. In addition to the juice cleanse, whether you’re looking to jumpstart a new healthy lifestyle, cleanse your body of harmful toxins, or simply recharge your spirit, our detox program will help you achieve the physical and spiritual renewal you seek.

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Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Ananda Marga Denmark
Tlf: +45 29423037

Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Ananda Marga Denmark
Tlf: +45 29423037